Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How oil is refined

            The oil has developed the U.A.E so the oil in the U.A.E is very important. The oil is the most important source to developing countries. This essay will describe the steps how oil is refined. 
               The first step is that oil is located. The second step is that oil is pumped via pipeline, after that the next step is that oil is stored in storage tanks. Then oil is refined to in various end products, including petrol and petrol which are stored in tanks. After that petrol is transported to petrol stations. The last step is where petrol is stored in underground tanks. Finally, petrol is pumped into car tanks.

              All in all, the process how oil is refined is not easy it needs more work to be refined. People like oil because it develops this country. Also, oil is the cause to increase or decrease the country’s economy.                

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