Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Visitors to China from Germany and France ( line graph 2 )

             This is line graph gives us information about the number of visitors to China from Germany and France. The time scale is from 1998 to 2007.
                At the start of the period in question 180,000 visitors from France compared to 220,000 visitors from Germany came. From 1998 to 2000 there was slight increase in visitors from Germany after that there was a sharp rise from 2000 until 2001. From 1998 to 1999 there was sharp decrease in visitors from France before it rose steadily. From 2000 until 2001 there was a sharp rise in visitors from France then it reached a peak at 600,000 in 2001 before it sharply dropped again from 2002 to 2005. There was steady decrease in visitors from France before it started to increase again. From 2001 to 2002 there was steep rise in visitors from Germany before it dropped. From 2003 until 2005 there was a steady decrease in visitors from Germany. From 2005 to 2006 there was a great rise in visitors from Germany then from 2006 until 2007 there was steep rise in visitors from Germany.
             Overall, the graph shows there was wide gap between number of visitors from Germany and France to China, and the number of visitors of France was bigger than Germany.    

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Personal Reflection #6

Everest Base Camp

              Now I am in second year in my college, first semester was very good, because I had learn many things that help my in this term. So, in this essay I’m going to write about the skills that I had learned (reading, writing, listening) during this term. How I improved, and how I feel these skills will help me in my chosen area of study, and profession.

             This term was so difficult for me, so that pushed me to study hard and organize my time very well, by increasing my hours of studding in every 
subject. Then, by doing more exercise and study from the papers that our teacher gave to us, my skills improve because now I can write any kind of essay easily without any mistake and now my language improved a lot. Also now I can answer the reading questions more easily than before because my teacher given me many practice to improve my performance. Beside all that my listening skill had been totally improved because now l can understand any English movies without looking to the translation. And all of that return to our wonderful teacher who was so patient and helpful with all of us.  After I finish this term I going to choose business as my subject I feel that all this practice and hard work will make me better to graduate by high mark, then it will be easier to have job.
         In the end, I have learned that because I study more and I increased my knowledge in the college and for my job in future.

Blocking Websites (Argument 1)

            In the U.A.E, Etisalat is the best company for telephone services. Some people agree with Etisalat blocking internet access to websites deemed counter to the country’s morality standards. This essay will talk about blocking websites and about the pros and cons.    
           There are several major advantages about Etisalat blocking websites. First, children can’t see the bad websites with bad pictures and videos for example; some websites teach children bad things. Secondly, we can use only the right websites to develop the country because there are some websites that have dangerous effects on our country. Also, when blocking websites nobody can use the websites (bad websites) that affect people. Lastly, when using this system nobody can see hacker’s websites because we block websites. Also, when we block websites bad people cannot change the matters of the country.
           However, there are many important disadvantages about blocking websites. The first disadvantage is some people think this system is not a free system to block websites in the internet, because some people need some blocked websites to develop their skills. Secondly, many people have many ideas about the websites and when we block websites he can’t follow his ideas about developing the websites. Finally, some people like to publish what they think and this system can’t allow this. For example, some people want to establish sides but some problems will be facing him because some websites are blocked.
        In conclusion, I think there are many advantages and disadvantages about blocking websites. In my opinion, l prefer this system of blocking sites because it has many benefits in our life, So we must still block websites for the future for all people when we use the websites, to use  them in the right way.          

Monday, May 23, 2011

Visitors from Canada and Spain (line graph 1)

               This line chart shows the number of visitors to Canada from Spain and Japan from 1996 and 2006. This essay, will explain some differences and similarities in the line chart between the countries.
              Starting in 1996, there was a significant difference in the number of visitors from Spain to Canada. There were almost 300,000 Spanish visitors, compared to 850,000 Japanese visitors. Secondly, in 1997 the number of visitors from Spain increased to 400,000 visitors, on the other hand the Japan visitors had a small decrease to 830,000 Japanese visitors. Also, in 1998 the number of visitors from Spain had a small increase to 440,000 visitors, compared to 860,000 Japanese visitors. Then in 1999, the number of visitors from Spain sharply increased to 640,000 and the number of Japanese showed a small decrease to 820,000 visitors. Moreover, the number of Spanish visitors grew slowly, while the lowest Japanese visitors to Canada were lower in 2009. From 2000 to 2006 the number of visitors fluctuated greatly.
             In conclusion, during the ten years seen on the graph, the number of Japanese visitors outnumbered the Spanish visitors although the number of visitors from Spain increased every year, until the end.                             

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Making the Mobile phone illegal ( Argument #5 )

               Mobile phone use has both positive and negative aspects. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of making it illegal to speak on the phone while driving.
               Let me deal with the positive side of mobile phone use. The main point, I would like to describe is that while talking your are not focused on driving For example, If you hear bad news you might get angry and get distracted. A second point is that while you are talking on the phone it is easy to hare an accident because when you are talking you drive too fast without feeling it. I can also argue that if you use the mobile phone you think about talking and you think to solve the problem if you have a problem and not think about driving.
             I think there are also negative arguments against the topic. In case of an emergency like you need to call for help for example, if you sick. The most important point is that if you need to use the map application on your phone and you need to see the screen of your mobile phone. Another point, business men need to talk because he has important business calls to take.
            In conclusion, I think I agree with making the mobile phone illegal, because the life of people is most important than anything in the world. In my opinion we must make the use of mobile phone in illegal when we drive.    

Examinations ( Argument 2)

                * The examination is the most common way of assessing the student in most countries in the world. This essay wills discuses about the positives and negatives of examinations.
               * Let me deal first with the positive side of examinations. The main positive point I would like to describe is that the examinations help the student to know their level because the marks of exams give a view of the skill level. Second point that the examinations help the students to review materials and this helps the student to remember the information. The third point is that the examination is equal for all students and gives all students examined the same opportunity.     
              * I think there are also negative points of examinations. I think the most important point is that an examination has too much material for the student and this support made the student more nervous and less concentrated. A further point is that examinations do not have enough time to give a complete answer or complete most questions. Also, recent research has shown that it’s difficult to grade for teachers.

            * In conclusion, I think the education will be better with examinations because it gives a good view of the student level, but also this includes the reports and projects which help teacher for grading.