Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blocking Websites (Argument 1)

            In the U.A.E, Etisalat is the best company for telephone services. Some people agree with Etisalat blocking internet access to websites deemed counter to the country’s morality standards. This essay will talk about blocking websites and about the pros and cons.    
           There are several major advantages about Etisalat blocking websites. First, children can’t see the bad websites with bad pictures and videos for example; some websites teach children bad things. Secondly, we can use only the right websites to develop the country because there are some websites that have dangerous effects on our country. Also, when blocking websites nobody can use the websites (bad websites) that affect people. Lastly, when using this system nobody can see hacker’s websites because we block websites. Also, when we block websites bad people cannot change the matters of the country.
           However, there are many important disadvantages about blocking websites. The first disadvantage is some people think this system is not a free system to block websites in the internet, because some people need some blocked websites to develop their skills. Secondly, many people have many ideas about the websites and when we block websites he can’t follow his ideas about developing the websites. Finally, some people like to publish what they think and this system can’t allow this. For example, some people want to establish sides but some problems will be facing him because some websites are blocked.
        In conclusion, I think there are many advantages and disadvantages about blocking websites. In my opinion, l prefer this system of blocking sites because it has many benefits in our life, So we must still block websites for the future for all people when we use the websites, to use  them in the right way.          

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