Monday, May 23, 2011

Visitors from Canada and Spain (line graph 1)

               This line chart shows the number of visitors to Canada from Spain and Japan from 1996 and 2006. This essay, will explain some differences and similarities in the line chart between the countries.
              Starting in 1996, there was a significant difference in the number of visitors from Spain to Canada. There were almost 300,000 Spanish visitors, compared to 850,000 Japanese visitors. Secondly, in 1997 the number of visitors from Spain increased to 400,000 visitors, on the other hand the Japan visitors had a small decrease to 830,000 Japanese visitors. Also, in 1998 the number of visitors from Spain had a small increase to 440,000 visitors, compared to 860,000 Japanese visitors. Then in 1999, the number of visitors from Spain sharply increased to 640,000 and the number of Japanese showed a small decrease to 820,000 visitors. Moreover, the number of Spanish visitors grew slowly, while the lowest Japanese visitors to Canada were lower in 2009. From 2000 to 2006 the number of visitors fluctuated greatly.
             In conclusion, during the ten years seen on the graph, the number of Japanese visitors outnumbered the Spanish visitors although the number of visitors from Spain increased every year, until the end.                             

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